Wednesday, May 12, 2010

13. The Hello Experiment

This chapter is a short transition as we turn to exploring the four practices of leaving, living among, listening to, and love with no strings attached.  Living out of these ways enables us to be in the right posture as we seek to share the gospel with others.

I turned to chapter 14 to remind myself what "leaving" was and was hit with guilt--  how far I have to go here--I will be the first to admit it, I spend too much time in the office.  What about you?  How do you deal with the demands of life and work while still being out in the culture making friendships?  How have you found the time and focus to do so?

-Rev. Nicole

Friday, May 7, 2010

12. Tip It Over

How do we do church if start with the idea of where we want to end?  If the purpose of the church is to be the opening act for God's kingdom among us what does that mean to our Sunday gatherings?

I enjoyed this chapter--I found it challenged me to think about not only leadership and structure but also discipleship.  Much of what was said made sense but I found myself feeling anxious about translating this into an already existing church.

What experience have you had with discipleship that grew fruit and moved a church forward in being the church in the world?                                            -Nicole