Monday, August 10, 2009

To Begin August 24


  1. "UnChristian: What a New Generation really thinks about Christianity... and Why it Matters" is our first book.

    We'll read two chapters a week starting Mon., Aug. 24.

    But don't wait until then. Get your copy and start reading.

    Please pass the word around and invite your friends, co-church leaders and colleagues and everybody to follow this blog!

    Nicole has great insights and we all have much to share!

    Grace and Peace, Terry Van Hook

  2. I read the book a while back and am excited to discuss it with you all. See you on the 24th! Peace and grace.

  3. Looking forward to this discussion. I am currently working on developing a sermon series using UnChristian as the backdrop for a dialogue between Wormwood and Screwtape. Any thoughts?

  4. Creative stuff David. Let us know how it goes. In my new appointment (always a challenge--what to preach on in the beginning) I began with two questions, What does it mean to be the church? and What kind of church does God want? The response has been very good so far (7th week coming up!)

  5. I would be VERY helpful if everyone who has signed up so far post a notice on your facebook/myspace/twitter/etc. that you are preparing for this "unChristian" discussion and to invite them to join. (I can post a copy of my notice if you're interested.)

    You can also send email invites to selected friends and personally ask them to join you in this upcoming discussion.

    Let's see if we can get 50 people signed up in the next seven days!

    What do you think? Can you help do this?

    And please Pray for this blog to be a blessing to all involved!
