Saturday, September 12, 2009


Don't you love this list?  When asked to describe Christianity, outsiders said:
+The Titanic--a ship about to sink but unaware of its fate.
+A powerful amplifier being undermined by poor wiring and week speakers.
+A pack of domesticated cats that look like they are thinking deep thoughts but are just waiting for their next meal.
+An ostrich with its head in the sand.
+A hobby that diverts people's attention.
Who wants to be part of that?  Fewer and fewer young people, that is for sure.
The world is a very different place than it was 25 or even 10 years ago.  
Have we kept up?  See if these normal parts of life are part of YOUR life...
+Are our friends from a variety of ethnic and social economic backgrounds?
+Do we understand the change in sexual ethics and substance abuse realities?
+Do we count among our friends the loners, the fatherless and those who self-injurer?
Being part of the kingdom of God begun in Jesus Christ should be anything but boring.  Do people think we are boring because we don't connect with real life, we water things down and don't challenge people, we are stuck in some parallel 1950's universe, or because we are bored with the faith and reflect that in our behavior?
"I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn."  (John Wesley)  That inspires my passion, does it yours?
Today I want to offer a challenge.  Get out of your own world this week by:
+watching a TV show you'd never watch--watch, don't judge.
+having coffee or a meal with someone who looks interesting to you.
+watching this video and notice the passion of the young people:
Get outside today and see the real world.

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