I have something to confess; I found the UnChristian book terribly boring. Really.
I had to read it a second time to do this group and it got worse the second time around.
While the topics are good to talk about, I think the answer to the question, "Are Christians judgmental, homophobic, too political, sheltered?" is...
And, there is not really a heck of a lot more to say after that except maybe, "WE REPENT, WE HAVE TOTALLY MADE A MESS OF ALL THIS! WHAT WERE WE THINKING?"
I think things got like this because we have no idea what it means to be the church or follow Jesus. Oh, and when I say "like this" I don't just mean the UnChristian stuff, I also mean how we have made the church to be the most uninteresting, dull, navel gazing, totally unrelated to my life, kind of place. Just my personal opinion. Yeah, the UnChristian stuff is important but I don't think it is the real issue. It is the fruit, not the root.
Today, I was thinking about all this as I sat in my minivan breathing in the fumes of the Rolling Hills United Methodist Church's parking lot while my son was in his trumpet lesson and I was feeling a certain amount of sadness BUT THEN I picked up the book I had with me--- "The Tangible Kingdom." I have read this book a couple times but I read a lot and so had this good feeling but wasn't totally sure why. So I read the first four chapters and thought, this is totally what the Cal-Pac book group needs! I laughed, I cried and (here is the big thing), I wanted to keep reading.
So, give it another chance. There are really get books out there that will challenge and inspire us. Interested?
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